The Kimün-Ko Water Resources Observatory (water knowledge) was officially established in November 2020 under the administrative purview of the Department of Civil Engineering at the Universidad de La Frontera.
The primary objective of this observatory is to enhance our understanding of hydrological processes occurring at the watershed scale in the La Araucanía Region, with potential expansion of studies to Chile (depending on available human resources). This initiative aims to provide robust technical information that can support decision-making in the field of water resources.
To accomplish this, Kimün-Ko gathers and analyzes a vast amount of information related to water resources, encompassing on-site, satellite, and atmospheric reanalysis data, with a particular emphasis on the La Araucanía and Chile regions.
The analyzed information is subsequently used in hydrological modeling of varying complexities across different spatial (sub-watershed and watershed) and temporal scales (hourly, daily, monthly, seasonal, and yearly). These models not only focus on replicating observed flows at different river gauge stations but also strive to achieve an adequate spatial and temporal representation of the key hydrological processes within each watershed.
Moreover, Kimün-Ko develops open-source software to facilitate the management and analysis of hydrometeorological data, enabling effective spatial and temporal monitoring of water resources in the La Araucanía and Chile regions.
Our main lines of research encompass:
- Utilization of satellite-based precipitation estimates and other hydrological variables for drought monitoring and as inputs for hydrological modeling.
- Evaluation of the impacts of global change on the water resources of a watershed.
- Analysis of hydro-meteorological extreme events.
- Development of open-source tools for the management and analysis of hydrometeorological data.
- Landscape and water regulation: Adaptation measures to address climate change.
In particular, Kimün-Ko's research is focused on the following four study areas:
- i) Petorca River Basin en Longotoma.
- ii) Mapocho River Basin en Los Almendros.
- iii) Cauquenes River Basin en Desembocadura.
- iv) Trancura River Basin antes de Llafenco.
These study areas have been selected within the framework of the international collaboration project NSFC 190018 and the Fondecyt Regular project 1212071. The former project aims to propose territorial management strategies to reduce the negative impacts of global change on hydrological extreme events in these basins. Complementarily, the Fondecyt Regular project 1212071 seeks to characterize meteorological and hydrological extreme events over the last four decades and assess how soil moisture modulates the propagation of extreme precipitation events in an increasingly warmer climate.
The teaching carried out in the Civil Engineering program at the Universidad de La Frontera aims to train the next generation of professionals and scientists to think beyond the traditional realms of engineering and tackle the growing challenges associated with managing our country's water resources.
Kimün-Ko Collaborators
To address and answer our research questions, Kimün-Ko employs an interdisciplinary approach through collaboration with prominent national and international researchers. Among the national collaborators are:
Current National Collaborators:
- PhD. Mauricio Galleguillos Torres (U. Adolfo Ibáñez, NSFC-ANID 190018)
- PhD. Camila Alvarez Garretón (CR2, NSFC-ANID 190018)
- PhD. Juan Pablo Boisier (CR2, U. Chile, NSFC-ANID 190018)
- Civil Engineer Cristóbal Soto (ICASS SpA)
Previous National Collaborators who have now taken different paths:
- Sebastián Bernal Vallejos (Civil Engineer. Research Assistant, NSFC-ANID 190018)
- Lucas Rivero Iribarne (Agronomist. Research Assistant, NSFC-ANID 190018)
- Aarón Grau Neira (Natural Resources Engineer. Research Assistant NSFC-ANID 190018)
- Raúl Díaz Vasconcellos (Forestry Engineer. Research Assistant, NSFC-ANID 190018)
The essential administrative and logistical coordination of our activities is carried out by:
- Claudia Morales Fritz
- Chris Bustamante Acevedo