Our current research lines are:

  • Use of satellite precipitation estimates and other hydrological variables for drought monitoring and as forcings for hydrological modeling.
  • Assessment of global change impacts on the water resources of a basin.
  • Analysis of extreme hydrometeorological events.
  • Development of open-source tools for the management and analysis of hydrometeorological data.
  • Landscape and water regulation: Adaptation measures to address climate change.

Between 2020 and 2024, our observatory will focus on achieving the objectives of the international Chile-China collaboration project NSFC190018, which aims to deliver territorial management proposals to reduce the negative impacts of global change on extreme hydrological events in four basins, each facing unique water resource challenges.

The four basins selected for this project are the Petorca Basin in Longotoma (Valparaíso Region), the Mapocho Basin in Los Almendros (Metropolitan Region), the Cauquenes Basin in Desembocadura (Maule Region), and the Trancura Basin before Llafenco (La Araucanía Region).

Research Projects

The research projects led by a member of Kimün-Ko are:

  • 2022-2025: Fondecyt Postdoctorado 3220382. Landscape patterns and water Regulation: Adaptation measures to face the climate change. Funding agency: ANID, Chile.
  • 2022-2025: ANID Doctorado Nacional 21221783. Unravelling the effect of native vegetation on catchment’s hydrological responses to extreme event. Funding agency: ANID, Chile.
  • 2021-2024: Fondecyt Regular 1212071. The catchment’s memory: understanding how hydrological extremes are modulated by antecedent soil moisture conditions in a warmer climate. Funding agency: ANID, Chile.
  • 2020-2023: PCI CONICYT Chile - NSFC China NSFC190018. Management of global change impacts on hydrological extremes by coupling remote sensing data and an interdisciplinary modelling approach. Funding agency: CONICYT-NSFC, Chile and China.
  • 2016-2018: Fondecyt Iniciación 11150861. Understanding the relationship between the spatio-temporal characteristics of meteorological drought and the availability of water resources, by using satellite-based rainfall and snow-cover data. A case study in a data-scarce Andean Chilean catchment. Funding agency: CONICYT, Chile.

Other Research Projects

The research projects in which at least one member of Kimün-Ko is or has been involved are:

  • 2023-2026: Fondecyt Regular 1230792. Triggers of Rainfall-Induced Landslides in volcanic soils EXperiment: towards a fully understating of the water role in slope instability in the Southern Andes (TRILEX). Funding agency: ANID, Chile.
  • 2022-2023: ANID-Sequía FSEQ210001. Drought and water security platform for catchment planning: historical evolution and future trajectories under global change. Funding agency: ANID, Chile. Concurso Fondo de Investigación Estratégica en Sequía (Asignación Rápida) año 2021.
  • 2021-2024: Fondecyt Regular 1210932. Improving forest water yield and productivity quantification at the catchment scale by mapping root depth and eco-physiological thresholds with remote sensing and water transfer modeling. Funding agency: ANID, Chile.
  • 2021-2022: Regulación hídrica en cuencas pre-cordilleranas del centro sur de Chile ante escenarios futuros de uso/cobertura del suelo y cambio climático. FONDAP 15130015. **Funding agency: ANID, Chile.
  • 2017-2020: Fondecyt Regular 1171560. Assessing spatio-temporal impacts of global change on water and biomass production processes at catchment scale: a synergistic approach based on remote sensing and coupled hydrological models to improve sustainable management of forest ecosystems. Funding agency: CONICYT, Chile.
  • 2016-2018: Fondecyt Regular 1160656. Hillslope water storage and runoff processes: linking climate variability and interannual storage. Funding agency: CONICYT, Chile.
  • 2016: 14ENI2-26866. Prototipo de una arquitectura de big data para encontrar asociaciones espacio-temporales entre las variables hidrometeorológicas de una cuenca del sur de Chile, Región de La Araucanía.. Funding agency: CORFO, Chile.


Articles (WoS)

In Review








2016 - 2012

Articles (Scopus)

Articles (Scielo and others)


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